The Top Toilet For A Tiny Home

Tiny homes offer a great deal of flexibility. The home itself is little more than a transportable module that can be placed anywhere within reason. Its ultimate location can be determined by ease of connection to vital infrastructure—namely electricity, water, and sewerage, with that last one often being a dealbreaker. But what if your tiny home's primary sewerage needs were, in a manner of speaking, electrified?

Power and Water

It's relatively uncomplicated to connect a tiny home (even an isolated one) to the local grid and to pipe in water. However, given the logistics of these tasks, it's important to hire qualified contractors. When plumbing a tiny home, the removal of gray (waste) water isn't all that difficult, and it can even be fed back into an onsite storage tank for reuse. But wastewater and human waste are two very different things, and connecting any toilet to sewage or an onsite septic tank is usually a major task. It can become a surprisingly simple task with an electric toilet.

The Flush

Using an electric toilet isn't especially different from a standard toilet. The key difference between a standard toilet and its electric counterpart is the flush. Instead of flushing the contents into local sewerage or a nearby septic tank, flushing an electric toilet moves the contents of the bowl to the toilet's incineration chamber. 


Once the incineration process is initiated, your fecal matter is slowly incinerated, with the created smoke passing through a special odor filter to remove any unpleasant smell. The resulting exhaust is then released through the toilet's external vent. Given the complexity of an electric incineration chamber, odor mitigation filtration, and external vents—the installation of an electric toilet should be performed by a professional. 

Special Considerations

There are some downsides to using an electric toilet, but rest assured, these downsides are minor. The incinerated fecal matter will be reduced to ashes, which must be periodically removed from the unit's receptacle. This is unrecognizable as human waste, and since it has been treated with high heat, any parasites or other harmful agents will have been removed. This must be discarded but can be used to fertilize your garden (although you may not want to place it on fruit or vegetable crops). Additionally, the toilet will not operate during a power outage, yet this is unlikely to be relevant. The toilet can be used several times before electrical incineration becomes necessary—so it will only be a concern with a prolonged outage.

The electric option is a surprisingly simple way to have a fully-functional toilet without the bother of sewerage or a septic tank. For more information on electric toilets, contact a local contractor.
